Andreas Jonasson

Documenting my research journey



Here, I aim to keep a tab on the research I conduct at Malmö University as a PhD student, starting the 1st of September, 2024. This site is to be updated regularly during my studies.


Sep 08, 2024 I am happy to announce that I will be attending the AI and Game Conference in Goldsmiths, University of London, London Friday the 8th of November 2024.
Sep 08, 2024 The blog now has a new little icon, see below. It is generated using Microsoft Designer using the prompt A video game icon in a dwaren style representing forbidden knowledge. This icon is currently only used instead of the default website icon.

Latest Posts

Sep 08, 2024 A Week as a PhD student

I have now been a PhD student for a week. Here are my first thoughts about this journey.

Aug 30, 2024 My Last day at Skövde

Today marks my final workday at the University of Skövde. I have worked here for almost five years, and I believe that a summarization is in order.

Selected Publications

  1. Using Artificial Intelligence for Gameplay Testing On Turn-Based Games
    Joakim Nilsson, and Andreas Jonasson
    Jul 2018