Accepted to FDG'25 Doctoral Consortium

The 11th of February, I got an email from the Co-Chairs of the Doctoral Consortium for FDG’25 – I am in!

The doctoral consortium for FDG’25 is taking place in Graz, Austria, April 15 - 18. I am honored to have been accepted (with a rating of “strong accept” as recommendation from the anonymous reviewer) to this event, although I will not be able to attend in person1. Instead, it is my hope that I can attend online this year, as outlined in the information before application is sent in, and apply for another consortium in the not-to-far future where I can be present. Below, you can read my application to the event – should you be interested in what I do.

The Paper

  1. I am actually becoming a father for the second time, with expected delivery date the 16th of April, pushed forward from the initial 11th 

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